A project of the Hancock Park Garden Club

© Dick Whittington

© 2017 John Kaliski

Vintage postcard collection

©Dick Whitttington

Vintage postcard collection

©Dick Whittington

©2017 JohnKaliski

Vintage postcard collection
The look of our neighborhood is ever changing. Where our once common neighborhood landscape of open vistas and front lawns showcased our historic and eclectic architecture, the drought, personal tastes, and cultural influences have all altered our common landscape of sweeping views and green lawns. What has been lost and what is gained? Is there a way to encourage design continuity and still take personal choices and environmental concerns into account??
We have some ideas, and offer 10 considerations to think about if you intend to re-landscape your front yard. Scroll through a slide show of the book, below, or pick up a FREE hardcopy, (on paper!) edition of the book at
Chevalier's Bookstore, 126 N. Larchmont Blvd.
Copies will be given for free to early-bird customers through December 24, 2017. After that, purchase it at the bookstore for $7.99.